When you choose to become a certified dance instructor with Yes, You Can Dance!, you immediately become someone who plays a critical role in transforming the lives of others by using your talents.
As a certified instructor, your job is to be both knowledgeable and high-spirited to help create lifelong connections using your dance abilities. When you become a leader within our program, it’s your job to earn the trust, respect and admiration of your students and their families. When paired with our curriculum and your energy, instruction and laughter, the results are priceless.
You’ll get to share the emotional, physical and social benefits of dance with your students and families, and will also contribute to enhancing the well-being of special needs students and adults who otherwise could have been overlooked. You’ll be able to set the tone and character of your class by treating everyone as equal and will get to witness the benefits and rewards firsthand.
Yes, You Can Dance! prides itself on the quality of its instructors, and we view you as a real professional. It’s your job to provide instruction that helps break down stereotypes and barriers to enhance lives.
You’re the key to the quality of this program, and we’re so excited you are looking to choose us to help guide you through this journey.